
The Hunslet Club February Newsletter 2023

Welcome to The Hunslet Club February Newsletter 2023! This little newsletter is our way of spreading recent news and mentioning exciting new developments for March 2023. Here you can catch up on everything we did and achieved in February 2023. Our newsletter comes out at the start of each month, and you can read our previous newsletter here. 

Student volunteering week 

In February, it was Student Volunteering Week; therefore, we wanted to highlight our incredible team of volunteers. Volunteers contribute so much to The Hunslet Club as they help young people reach their full potential. 

Whether they are lending a helping hand at one of our community events, helping our youth club bake a cake in a youth club or encouraging our football team on the pitch, we are proud and thankful for all our volunteers.

Check out all our volunteering posts on our Facebook Volunteer Page. 

HSBC Money Management Talks 

Guest speakers are an incredible asset to The Hunslet Club, as our young people learn a great deal. Two fantastic guest speakers from HSBC visited our junior youth club in February to talk about savvy shopping. 

We were blown away by the speakers from HSBC, as they kept our young people engaged with the money management discussion. 

The topic of money management, especially for young people, can feel like an intimidating topic. However, the guest speakers from HSBC ensured everyone had an enjoyable time and shared knowledge and stories that everyone could understand. 

Safer internet day 

Our youth workers organised a safer internet day, inspired by national safer internet day. The sessions started with a brainstorming activity to establish what our junior youth club understood about internet safety. 

Stories were shared about staying safe on the internet, and our youth workers ensured our young people knew who to turn to if they ever felt unsafe online. 

Youth Club Ice Hockey Trip 

The Hunslet Club puts young people at the heart of everything we do, and we want to ensure they get to have experiences they might not otherwise have, such as our youth club trip to ice hockey. 

We are proud that we can provide trips like this that allow young people to have unique experiences that they can share with friends and family. 

Half-term activity camp 

Over 380 young people came to our February Half-term activity camp! That is 380+ young people who had a safe space to make friends, learn new skills and make memories. 

The Hunslet Club comes alive throughout the day when our activity camps are on throughout the half-term holidays! The sound of young people dancing in the hall, working together in the games room to beat a high score and asking questions in the kitchen as they learn a new recipe – just some of the activities our young people get up to during our activity camp. 


We received a generation donation from Kelly, the Morrisons Hunslet Community Champion. She provided some bags of ingredients that enabled our young people in the junior youth club to bake some recipes. One recipe includes pancakes for pancake day!    

West Yorkshire Police 

Louise, from the West Yorkshire Police, revisited our junior youth club in February to further discuss internet safety. Our young people have grown up with the internet; therefore, they need to understand what precautions and actions they should take to stay safe. 

Social Action Project

In February, our senior youth club hosted their second-ever social action project! After the success of our December social action project, where we invited local care home residents to a Christmas dinner, our youth workers were keen to do it again, as all our guests and senior youth club had such a good time.

We invited some local care home residents back to participate in a games-themed evening with our senior youth club. It was uplifting to see different generations of people interacting, playing games and chatting.

Everyone who took part cannot wait for the next event, which we will host on the last Friday of each month, for another three sessions.

Volunteer Spotlight 

We are shining the volunteer spotlight on Charlotte Roberts this month! Charlotte’s talent and dedication to the majorettes shine through in everything she does. Check out our volunteer spotlight page to find out more about Charlotte.

If you want more information about our volunteer opportunities, visit our Volunteer Facebook page, check out our volunteer with us page, or contact our volunteer coordinator at

What’s next

Can you help? 

As mentioned in our Hunslet Club February Newsletter 2023, we have had some amazing guest speakers. Our guest speakers come into our youth clubs to give presentations and practical sessions to our young people. Please get in touch with our team today if you or your business would like to come in and talk to our young people about something that can benefit them.